Back in 2017, I was actively looking to join blockchain projects, not only the tech sounds cool but I truly believe in the decentralized movement.
Early this year, I was very luck to encounter a client who introduce me the world of web3. I guess many will ask what does web3 means? Here is an article for you to read.
To be honest, there was a lot confusion when I started, many thing interact differently, compare to web2. I learn by trying it and some were very hard lessons, for example: lost money in gas fee. XD
" UX on Web3 – interacting with web3 applications can require extra steps, software, and education. This can be a hurdle to adoption. " has couple of useful insight on designing for web3. check it out here
The more you design for the web3 application, the more you will feel that you really are on a meaningful mission. Since the core idea is decentralized, you would feel that you are actually designing for people. Many Decentralized finances have a huge fan base and all of the users are willing to give feedback. I have to say it’s kinda my first time to feel this way.
I have been into a couple of startups, small to large, none of them satisfied me with the openness as the web3 community does. I guess it does boil down to the bureaucracy nowadays.
Therefore, for a designer like me, it does make me feel like I’m doing something for real, not just because “someone” say so. It’s a mixing good feelings of contribute to the world, equalized everyone’s right and the openness of the application.
However, my point is I welcome more designers to join me in web3. And if you are a business developer, think about using web3 to leverage your business. Web3 is notjust for finances application, it can also apply to many use cases. Check out Ethglobal for product ideas.
If you are a designer and thinking to get your footsteps into web3, you can give me a shout, or visit